Liberal vs Conservative Groups on Gun Control

       The issue that I decided to focus on is gun control. There has been a lot of back and forth between conservative and liberal groups on how we should approach this. The liberal interest group I decided to focus on is the CSGV (Coalition to Stop Gun Violence). As made clear by the name, this interest group is dedicated to enforcing gun laws in order to prevent gun violence. One of the articles they published appeared in the Huffington Post entitled, “Trump And The NRA Armed White Supremacists — And Torched The Constitution.” This article begins by depicting events which occurred in Charlottesville. The image above is included in the article. The author then goes on to criticize President Trump for not condemning the Nazis and White Supremacists for what they did in Charlottesville. It is evident that the author has a clear bias against Donald Trump due to his point of view. For one, he is a part of the CSGV. The CSGV is against gun use and against anyone who supports it. Ergo, since Donald Trump supports it, the CSGV is against him. They make their disliking of him obvious through negative word choice. For instance, referring to his remarks as “disgusting” and his embrace of white nationalism “bone chilling.” His point of view derives from the organization he is a part of and it clearly translates to the article through his word choice.
       The conservative group that I chose to focus on is the Gun Owners of America. Much like the CSGV, this interests groups goal and motive is clear from the name. They fight for the gun rights of US Citizens and strongly support the Second Amendment. I chose to analyze a video they posted from their YouTube channel titled, “Five Things You Should Know About O'Rourke.” Image result for beto o'rourke f rated by gun owners of america
He is pictured in the image above. This video uses Ad Hominem by attacking O'Rourke the person rather than trying to argue his beliefs and political stances. For instance, they say how he is "F rated by the Gun Owners of America." This statement has nothing to do with his beliefs or his views, but rather it is attacking him the person from a very biased source. The fact that he is running in a state such as Texas has big implications on why someone would devote time to creating an advertisement that is attacking him. Texas is notorious for being full of gun owners and second amendment supporters. Ergo, since he has beliefs which conflict with those, it is not a surprise that there has been some pushback.
        This video is much like the article I previously analyzed because they both focus on attacking one person, each of them being a politician. The article though, used more cruel language to describe Trump. The video on the other hand, did more to compare O'Rourke to the ideals of a Republican. Obviously his views do not align with those of a Republican and the video attacks him as the person for that. This is the significance and result of the video coming from a Republican point of view.
