Studying Politicians

        I decided to focus on the Constitution Party for this blog post. The Constitution Party is an extremely conservative political party in the United States. Members of this party are dedicated to limiting the federal government to its expressed constitutional boundaries. Whereas the politician that I chose to study, Gavin Newsom, is of a different belief. Gavin Newsom (pictured below) is a member of the democratic party and has been the Liutenant Governor of California for the past 6 years.

        For the Constitution Party (their symbol is pictured to the right), I chose to analyze a podcast done by their nominated candidate from the 2016 election, Darrell Castle.
The podcast is titled, "The Real Meaning of the Clinton Decision" and focuses mainly on discrediting Democratic candidate from the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton. This podcast was released in November of 2016 before the actual election so clearly at this point, Castle knew he had no chance at the presidency. At this stage, he is supporting the candidate he and his political party would rather have in office and attempting to demean the other candidate. He and the constitution party support Donald Trump because Republican ideals align more with the Constitution Party than those of Democrats. So for this reason, Castle spends time in his podcast to attack Hillary Clinton (this is an example of Ad Hominem). He says things such as how he "Finds it impossible how anyone could vote for her" and "She sets a very low bar for the President of the United States." These two insults have nothing to do with her views or ideals but rather her as a person which is why it is Ad Hominem.
        The artifact for the politician I chose, Gavin Newsom, is a video about our current president titled, "You're Wrong Trump." The title itself gives away Newsom's opinion about Trump. As a democrat himself, it is not a surprise that Newsom opposes Trump considering Trump is of the rivaling Republican Party. Throughout the video, Newsom argues against Trump's plan to build a wall in order to stop immigration issues. He goes through the negative effects which would occur id Trump's plan was to take place. In the video, through a cartoon figure, Trump is depicted negatively through several ways such as pushing an immigrant off of the top of a hypothetical wall (shown below).
        The artifacts which I chose to analyze for the Constitution Party and for Gavin Newsom have some clear similarities. For instance, in both, a candidate from the 2016 election is attacked and depicted negatively. These candidates were both negatively depicted due to the party/politician coming from opposing viewpoints. This exemplifies how much one's point of view has on their opinions and actions.  
